Inside the St Mary's Romanian Orthodox Church north of Kayville, Saskatchewan there is a binder that contains information on all of the burials in the cemetery beside the church.  This record describes 134 graves in the cemetery.

Author:  St. Mary's Church Committee

Pages:  10

Saint Mary's Church

Neatly Organized 

This binder has been nicely created using a computer and the entries are presented by last name in alphabetical order.

I have referenced this source for more than 20 people in my family tree!

Have a Look for Yourself

I was able to visit Saint Mary's Romanian Orthodox Church and I photographed all of the pages in this binder.  See this document in Kayville Burials (1910-2015)

There is a similar document inside the Saint Peter and Paul Church in Kayville which I write about in Saint Mary's Church Burial Records (St. P&P).

Document Your Sources

You are probably a Genealogist if you have found this website so I shouldn't have to remind you about documenting your sources.  ...but document your sources.  You can read about my experience in the article entitled Sources.